Ms. Heart, Lifestyle Instructor, Community Activist & Professional Model    Oakland & San Francisco     Artistic & Elegant
Ms. Heart's logo           

EVENT PHOTOS: Madame S 2004
EVENT PHOTOS: SF Fetish Ball 05

ANDREW MORGAN - Copyright 2004

To upload these images, permission must be obtained first, photo credit and copyright information must remain intact.
ANDREW MORGAN Copyright 2004- Models: The Divine Ms. Kaya, charles, & Ms. Heart Women of Color Photo 2004-03 Women of Color Photo 04-2003
The Divine Ms. Kaya, Ms. Heart & charles
ANDREW MORGAN copyright 2003 - Pay'n to the Music - Morningstar and Empress Rae Photo
Morningstar & Empress Rae
B.C., Ms. Heart,  MM, Ms. Clarissa, Empress Rae,  Domina Selina Raven, Mistress Pilali and Morningstar.
Andrew Morgan, Photographic Project Manager
- Women of Color Photo 2004-03 Women of Color Photo COPYRIGHT 04-2003 - B.C., Ms. Heart, MM, Ms. Clarissa, Empress Rae, Domina Selina Raven, Mistress Pilali, and Morningstar. Andrew Morgan, Photographic Project Manager
ANDREW MORGAN - Women of Color Photo COPYRIGHT 2004-03 The Divine Ms. Kaya, Ms. Heart and Charles
The Divine Ms. Kaya, Ms. Heart & charles

Women of Color Photo 2004-03 Women of Color Photo COPYRIGHT 04-2003 - B.C., Ms. Heart, MM, Ms. Clarissa, Empress Rae, Domina Selina Raven, Mistress Pilali, and Morningstar. Andrew Morgan, Photographic Project Manager Women of Color Photo 2004-03 Women of Color Photo COPYRIGHT 04-2003 - B.C., Ms. Heart, MM, Ms. Clarissa, Empress Rae, Domina Selina Raven, Mistress Pilali, and Morningstar. Andrew Morgan, Photographic Project Manager
ANDREW MORGAN - is a San Francisco based commercial and art photographer who has participated privately in the SM arena for over 15 years.   Andrew's photography spans many topics, including fetish.   He does much of his work from his South of Market photography studio. He is a "People" photographer, and has a large body of fine art black and white nude work.   His photography definitely depicts a sense of humor, and even in his erotic work he will always photograph in a way that is artistic, and highlights the beauty and integrity of his subjects Andrew has privately photographed many of the well-known Professional Dominants in the city and has helped several new Pro-Dommes become better know by providing them with their first advertising images. His work has been presented in some very prominent venues, the largest show comprising 120-photographs. He was instrumental in co-authoring the Bay Area Women of Color BDSM Photo Project, undertaking the first two photo shoots, and is continuing this valuable body of work with an ongoing project that emphasizes Women of Color in the fetish arena. If you have an interest in participating in this project with him by modeling, please feel free to contact him at: or

The Bay Area WOMEN OF COLOR BDSM Photo Project is a volunteer community lifestyle Photo and Educational project started
by Ms. Heart of San Francisco and photographed by Andrew Morgan, Photo Project Manager.   These free photos are
available to upload on other sites that honor Women of Color and our lifestyle diversity in the Bay Area and abroad.  
If you are interested in uploading them to additional FREE sites, let me know so we can link to your site or    We are also available for lectures/panels and interviews as well as inviting models and photographers to participate in the project. Contact:

Page Design and their contents by Ms. Heart copyright 2003 except where otherwise stated. WOC Logo designed by Ms. Heart.
Ms. Heart's Logo is trademarked, and designed by