Ms. Heart - Lifestyle Instructor, Community Activist & Professional Model.
Offering Artistic, Elegant & Sensual BDSM - Oakland & San Francisco, CA


A Journey With The Ancestors: Play based on uplifting ones Racial Background

July 29th, 2002 re: Heart's session at QSM in San Francisco, CA

Dear Fetish Diva Midori,

i will offer You what i have written out in loose note format last night. heart is thankful for this offering of such a wonderful healing gift. heart will be forever g rateful for the teachings.   Mame took a Buddhist path in Her session with heart, a path that incorporated the 4 Noble Truths feeling it in was exceptionally executed. transported heart into Your world and hearts ancestor's world. Welcoming them in... guiding Us on this journey of healing.
  1. heart experienced new sensations
  2. heart had fear, shaking legs that soon relaxed after Mame first started caning heart's round bottom.
  3. heart was soothed by Mame's gentle but powerful voice. Taking heart to a safe place in heart's mind of imagination.
  4. Witnessing and experiencing an historic moment with You and the audience that will have far reaching results, perhaps an experience that will be encoded into symbolism many years from now.
  5. Lost in the experience, forgetting about time and the audience. How long did the session go?
  6. Safety of the womb. Holding Mame's hips, grounding of the female.
  7. Touching Your beautiful face, gave me grace and rebirth+rebirthing of woman-Ness energies.
  8. A transformation the engendered compassion. connecting to spirits beyond us.
Sincerely with gratitude,

*Fetish Diva Midori gave me her permission to link to her site.

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