Ms. Heart, Professional Model/Domme & Community Activist - San Francisco       Artistic & Elegant - San Francisco

Ms. Heart's logo

Servitude Requires Acceptance, Training and Awareness

Newcomers to the Lifestyle, revitalize yourselves and come with me on a life altering journey of paleolithic primal beginnings of self. Your primal urges can be fulfilled in a healthy, shameless and safe environment with me. Come, come and allow me to flogg your fanny, touch your soul and heal your mind.

The Submissive personae exits within us in various ways and now you can enjoy the magic of allowing me guide you on a journey of submission. In Jungian psychology this submissive character does not always surface, but now you can allow yourself to do so with me.

BDSM Submission will give you permission to act in ways that are safe, sane and consensual, build healthy fantasies and renew your personal realities. Be HONEST with yourself and take away the shame. This can transform old personal issues or strengthen your life in many ways yet to be discovered.

All my attention will be on you, and only you. Look into my eyes, connect with creation and face yourself in a deep way in our ongoing committed sessions.

Heart and Sub Tied and Feathered
I specialize in after care and offer extra training for committed Novices. I will make recommendation for classes, which on-line groups to join, community events to check out, books to read and what to watch out for.

Prior to contacting me you really might want to educate yourself:

  1. Tell me your prior SM/BD experience, a reference and your telephone number, and a tasteful pic.
  2. What you want to accomplish in your session
  3. Your interests and fetishes
  4. Your professional talents i.e. computer wise, finance, healer etc.
  5. Any physical limits, psychological limits, health issues and allergies
  6. Play Limits and preferences
  7. Your play name
  8. Safe-word
  9. If you belong to another Domme/Dom you must have permission to play with me
  10. All appointments by advanced arrangement and are available seven days a week. Leave your telephone number and the best time to call you back.
  11. If an appointment is granted you are required to call 24 hours prior to the date of your scheduled appointment to confirm. We will discuss the TRIBUTE at that time. On the day of your appointment you will be required to call 2 hours prior to your appointment. I will give you the play space location then. I rent professional Dungeon space in Oakland and San Francisco.

Page Design and their contents by Ms. Heart copyright 2003 except where otherwised stated.
Inset photo & Ms. Heart's Logo is trademarked, and designed by
All photos are of Ms. Heart, Background Photo: Craig Morey